Standardization criteria of cell preparation for clinical use
Using of different cell preparations is an essential part of treatment of many diseases. Production technology and quality control of these products are actually biotechnology research with a variety of the necessary criteria. Quality control system in Russia is missing, so the authors attempt to analyze and adapt FDA and EU criteria for quality control GMP-producing cell preparations. The developed methodology has been tested on cell preparations of allogeneic and autologous mesenchymal stem cells undergoing ex vivo expansion for clinical use in a number of experimental therapeutic programs in pediatric hematologic malignancies.
About the Authors
A. Yu. UstyugovRussian Federation
E. Yu. Osipova
Russian Federation
S. A. Rumyantsev
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Ustyugov A.Yu., Osipova E.Yu., Rumyantsev S.A. Standardization criteria of cell preparation for clinical use. Oncohematology. 2013;8(4):37-45. (In Russ.)